I'd like to personally thank all of the Authors that joined up this month! Thank you for making this month a fun one and for being willing to add a book to the giveaway!
Thank you also to all of the people who joined us for the giveaway! Posting comments and entering to win! A couple of you got more then one book and I hope that you enjoy the books that you have won. Please make sure to post a review of the book after you read it to let other people know about the book!
Below is the list of books and winners that took part in the August Daily Giveaway!
Samantha Warren
Vampire Assassin, Series of Novella's
Winner of Signed Paperback is:
Nightly Cafe!!!
August Daily Giveaway Day #2
Karen Sala
Relationship Purgatory, for Two
There was no winner.
August Daily Giveaway Day #3
Rob Cornell
Darker Things (The Lockman Chronicles, #1)
The Winner of the E-book is
Dawn Hagan!!!
Mandi Tucker Slack
The Alias
There was no winner in this giveaway.
M.A. Stacie
Unwritten Rules
The Winner is
Nightly Cafe!!!
Blue Bells of Scotland
The Winner is
Dee Noble Zhang
There was no Winner for this book.
The Winner is:
Marianne Benavidez
There was no Winner for this book.
Rachel Boleyn
Backstage Pass: World Tour Vol 1.There was no Winner for this book.
August Daily Giveaway Day #11
August Daily Giveaway Day #11
Ronnie Massey
Crimson Dawn
Darklife Saga Book 1
There was no winner for this bookDarklife Saga Book 1

August Daily Giveaway Day #12
Dale Ibitz
Fire in the Blood
There was no winner for this book
There was no winner for this bookAugust Daily Giveaway Day #15
Monique O'Connor James
The KeepersThe Winner is:
The winner is...
August Daily Giveaway Day #17
Maggie James
Love Bleeds
The Winner is...
Bernard J. Schaffer
Whitechapel: The Final Stand of Sherlock HolmesThe Winner is...
August Daily Giveaway Day #19
Sammie Spencer
Amaretto Flame (Eagleton Coven #1)
The Winner is...
JA Belfield!!!!
August Daily Giveaway Day #20
Kelvin O'Ralph
LS: The BeginningTheWinner is...
Allison for a paperback and Cynthia & Dawn with e-books!
August Daily Giveaway Day #24
Cidney Swanson
The Winner Is
August Daily Giveaway Day #25
Kenneth Weene
Widow's Walk
The Winner is
The Winner is...
My Blood Runs Blue
Book 1 in the Series
August Daily Giveaway Day #27
Stacy Eaton
My Blood Runs Blue
Book 1 in the Series
The Winner is...
August Daily Giveaway Day #30
Erin Kern
Here Comes Trouble
The Winner is...
Thank you all again for making it an awesome month!